Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One of the better mountain roads in the area

Depending, naturally, upon your idea of good. It's the Crater Mountain road in the Ashnola Valley. I thought you might like to experience it.

It's narrow, it has no ditch, it isn't maintained and it's tastefully sprinkled with large caliber pebbles. In a few places the uphill tire track is noticeably higher due to material that has fallen onto the road. It gives things a bit of a lean.

I'm sorry about the pictures. I neglected to take enough pictures on the way up, so these are all from the return trip. They were taken from a bouncing vehicle in low light, so they are a bit blurry and crunchy - perhaps suited to the nature of the road.

All right. Let's get going.

A nice place to look back on.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!

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