Thursday, March 26, 2009

Skidoo Playground

Last weekend Guy and I made it out to my favourite cross country skiing area. It's way up the Ashnola road between Cathedral and Manning parks, right on the US border.

The excitement of spring has come to the road, but there's still plenty of snow where we're going.

See that little white mound on the skyline above Guy's head? We want to go around behind that.

Steering tests.

The skidoos pack a nice trail for us.

Guy with part of the Cathedrals in the background.

Why we like snomobile trails. You can see that I'm down to my t-shirt. It was a very nice day - the sun was almost too hot when the wind wasn't blowing.

The problem with very nice weather.

More fun for the snomobilers.

First sight of our final big climb...

Complete with specialized ski trail packing equipment.

We were too proud to ask for a ride up when we were at the bottom of the hill...
And by the time we were halfway up, the snomobilers had gone elsewhere.

More skidoo tracks, perhaps a bit risky this time.

All that space all to ourselves, and what scenery in the background. The mountains are either in Manning Park or else in Washington. I couldn't quite locate the border.

We reached the base of this nice little peak before we turned around for the day.

Snow sculpture.

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