Monday, June 6, 2011

Divide Lake

Our first significant expedition of the season: Divide Lake in Okanagan Mountain Park

Much of the park suffered in the 2003 fire.

Few trees were left untouched. It made for a sombre but fascinating hike.

There were a few bits of green.

Trail markers were frequent. I don't know why. Who could get lost in a place like this?

Fore to background: Okanagan Lake, Penticton, Skaha Lake.

The fire cleared the sight lines and put the local rocks on display.

Uh oh... we have snow...

And the snow is starting to look...

Most of the time we could walk on the crust, but...

The exceptions were entertaining.

Anything to stay out of the snow...

It got to be three or four feet deep.

Divide Lake. We didn't get close enough for good pictures. There was too much snow.

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