Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Scarborough Castle

 We decided to see one more ruined castle. The castle at Scarborough occupies the tip of a peninsula.

 This is the keep, or central tower, of the castle. Castles don't do too well when pitted against cannons.

A pigeon rests on a fireplace in the keep.

 These odd bricks were in one of the castle fireplaces.

 From this model, you can see that the castle was only on the landward (close) side of it's hill. The seaward side was defended by a cliff. Between the castle walls and the cliff is a large meadow.

Looking South

 The keep from the meadow side

Looking down over the cliff on the East end of the hill

 North Beach

South Beach and the harbor

The old sandstone of the castle is quite weathered in some places.

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