Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We find some snow

Somewhere up the Sterling Creek FSR near Hedley.
Just crusty enough that the lighter among us can stay on top.

Buster, our lightest ski team member

It was cloudy down in the valley, so this was very nice.


jennstar said...

I can almost feel the tingly freshness of that mountain air in my lungs.... almost.
Is there no risk of avalanches where you were? Probably a dumb question but I grew up on the prairies :-)

Ben McGunigle said...

We haven't done any skiing in risky areas so far. That hillside doesn't have more than a foot of snow on it, nor any cornices. But it is something I always think about. An avalanche could really spoil our day, and there are some steeper hillsides around here. My favourite skiing area gets up into the alpine, but does so gradually, and with no slopes hanging nearby.