Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Filey Beach

We went for a fascinating walk in the fog along Filey Beach.

There are lots of old installations poking out of the shingle.

Old brick was used as fill in this foundation that has turned turtle. The same bricks are visible on the underside of the staircase in the background.

Some beach inhabitants make their appearance.

Bits of brick poke out of the marbled dark and light sand.

And what is this, looming out of the fog?

A WW2 bunker, settling at an angle on the beach.

The inside is half filled with sand.

The reminders of thousands of years of war - and of the fear that went with it - stand all over this land. This is striking for me. War on any significant scale has never in recorded history passed over the land where I grew up.


Guy said...

Had to poke around on google maps to see where this was. I found the stairwell in the sea wall no problem, but I had to look a while to find the old bunker: you went for a long walk to find that. Looks like a really nice beach! Probably quite popular when the sun is out.

Ben McGunigle said...

It was a long walk, but a nice one. It might not be all that popular. There are too many other big sandy beaches in the area. I'll get to posting the Scarborough beaches some time soon. Not to mention the nice non-beach portions of the coast.