Monday, March 18, 2019

Corfe Castle

 Corfe Castle, as it first appears when driving in from the North.

 Remains of the keep from the outer gate, with the South-West tower in the lower left corner.

 Missing stones on the Outer Gatehouse arch.

 The South West Gatehouse is kind of odd. The left hand side has sunk into the ground, shifted outward, and shifted forward, all while remaining mostly upright. The two sides of the arch used to meet.

 There are quite a few large chunks of masonry that are not plumb and level any more.

 Towers, outer wall and keep.

Archery slot

From the keep, looking out over the lower towers into the town of Corfe.

Corfe Castle was a royal castle back in the time of King John. There are traces of some really nice work remaining.


Remains of the Gloriette: the fancy hall added on beside the keep.

 Looking up at the windows in the keep.

 Out South East toward the sea.

Corfe Castle stands on a hill in a gap in a long ridge. You can see one side of the ridge behind the castle. I was part way up the other ridge end when I took this picture. Almost all of the roads that come into the area South of the castle have to pass right under its walls.

1 comment:

Jo Hobbit said...

So very beautiful in this centuries-old ruin state. Quite the feat of building. Oooh, that stone! And the surrounding countryside is so picturesque.